Episode 17: Hold the Door....

Posted by Katie on 12:12 PM

 KNITTING PATTERNS, PROJECTS, OH MY: Another MadMay project down! Young Einstein by Julia Stanfield. This is one of my favorite baby patterns, it is well written and the instructions are easy to follow. I have made many of these since I bought the pattern and I highly recommend it! Currently working on a matching beanie to complete the set!


This was the midseason finale and was it just me or did it feel like we are missing episodes?? There was such a dramatic character shift that I feel like wouldn't have been overnight things! The amount of time since the last episode was just 1 day?!! Not even... its the next morning!!! Why are the characters acting like they have been downward spiralling for weeks or months?

- Chris completely goes off the deep end. The switch from guilty conscience to homicidal maniac doesn't work for me. It feels contrived and confusing.

- Travis continues to be naive about his son and chases after.

-Nick has completely drank Celia's Koolaid and abandons his family in the end believing them to be more evil than everyone else.

- Madison confronts Celia, Strand digs a grave, Alicia is forgotten in the shuffle and Salazar loses his mind completely.


 - Sansa Confront Baelish and sends Brienne on a new mission to see if Baelish is right about her uncle retaking Riverrun and having an army to aid her in the attack on Winterfell.

- Arya gets a new hit target and joins a theater troupe. She watches a play that unfortunately portrays her familys a fools and she has to watch a reneactment of her fathers behading. Ouch!!

- Dany and Jorah finally have their moment in the sun. Jorah finally tells his Khaleesi how he feels and reveals his deadly grayscale. She admits that cares for him and orders him to find a cure, not just go off and die.

-The Iron Islands Election is a little familiar. We have a crazy guy spouting nonsense and the qualified female  and male opposites that are being overshadowed by the nonsense. (I'm not a political podcaster...but come on... you had to see the comparison there!) By the end Yara and Theon run for it to hopefully get to Meereen first!

-And Hodor....RIP.  That is all.


CHeck out the awesome bags at ThinkGeek!!!


Episode 16:Sibling Reunion Week

Posted by Katie on 8:31 PM
- Lilac Silverfox was completed this week!! Yay. Cables...so many darn cables!

 -Also started a new cowl in a yarn that begged to come home with me from the yarn shop. Blue Sky Alpacas in Extra. So soft and Squishy. Working on a Tuesday Night cowl...this is my tv knitting at the moment, taking a break from cables.

GEEK FILES Fear the Walking Dead; Building up to the midseason finale. We finally get to Mexico, we lose a character and Chris turns to the EMO/Dark Side....ugh, really?? We also finally get to meet Thomas Abigail. Nick and Chris both have similar crisis of faith over all the violence and Salazar is beginning to act crazy as well. But Madison and Travis still haven't made that turn into likable characters we care about yet. Come on, we know you can do it?

 Game of Thrones: Sibling Reunion Week! Yay.

1. Dany is a badass! Go Girl!
This is right before the action hits! Awesome scene!

 2. Sansa and Jon!!

3. Yara and Theon!

4.Margaery and Loras...oh are you guys still here ? Good to know!


 Funko Funday 2016 @ SDCC

 Pop in a box 



Episode 15: Cables, Captives, Creations.

Posted by Katie on 7:46 AM
Episode 15 is live!

KNITTING PATTERNS PROJECTS OH My: The FunFunFun shawl is done! And it looks lovely! I can't wait to gift it! 

Working on Silverfox baby cardigan. This is my first bottom up pattern that I've done. Sleeves are complete and body is working up. So many cables....but it makes it challenging and such a cool finished product!  Onward!


- Lets meet the pirates... Connor, Reed, Jack, Vida, and ALEX! So it turns out that Alicia is not the only one opening up her big mouth and giving up the Abigail to the pirate clan. Alex is mad that they g ot put in the raft and left adrift but instead of focusing on Strand...she focused on the Travis character.

- Rescue mission in progress...teen romance...well sort of might all be a con?

- Madison still being overprotective with the kids.
-And Chris makes a step back into EMO teen mode.


-A good episode! Laying more ground work for things to come.
- I'm curious to see where they take all the plotlines they've set up this season.

Too much to try and recap but here was my favorite line!

"My Watch is Ended"


 FunFunFun Shawl by Andrea Mowry -- PATTERN

Silverfox Cardi by Lisa Chemery -- PATTERN


Episode 14: May the 4th be with You!

Posted by Katie on 10:09 PM
Episode 14: Backstories!


- FunFunFun Shawl is complete! Yay, I love how this  turned out and would totally recommend it for anyone who hasn't done shawls before .This was my first foray into these garments and the pattern was so well written and gives such a great finished product!! It's awesome.

-Starting my MadMay projects finally! A couple days late, but better late than never! Starting the Silver Fox baby Cardigan as project number one.

Silver Fox Pattern on Ravelry


- FEAR THE WALKING DEAD S2: Ep: 4 Blood in the Streets.

-Yay for backstory! We finally get some insight into the mysterious character of Strand. Plus the pirates finally surface and we may be losing some characters! But we gained a new one as well. Each Episode this season seems to be working better than the last.


-Jon Snow!!!! Yes!!!!

-Still jumping from story to story, but overall a good episode! I loved the scenes with Tyrion and the dragons!

-Also loved that we get some backstory on Ned, Benjen, and Lyanna! And Hodor! Who wasn't excited to see that we are going to get backstory on Winterfell? I was jazzed.


Ears galore!! Check out the cute headbands this ETSY seller does!!

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